
Information refers to the diverse types of data that users can input and manage within the platform. It is customizable and designed to support various workflows and data analysis.


Information serves as a central component for collecting, managing, and analyzing data within workflows. This feature is designed to be versatile, accommodating multiple information types (text, numbers, images, files, dates, and more) to address a wide range of business needs and enhance collaboration.

Information in Inistate are used in:

Data Structuring

Data collection

Data Visualization and Analysis

Workflow Automation

Collaboration and Reporting

Information Type

Inistate supports multiple data types, including:

Information Type
Example (Stock Management)


Input plain text in single line.

Item Name (Laptop XYZ)

Multiline Text

Input words, sentence or paragraph in multiple lines.

Item Description (spec)

Yes No

Checkbox to select Yes or No

Marks item is Active (Yes) or Discontinued (No)


Input whole number without decimals

Stock Quantity (3 units)


Input numbers with decimal points

Unit Weight (1.25 kg)


Input monetary value

Sale Price ($1,000.50)


Input calender date

Manufacture Date

(8 Nov 2024)

Date Time

Input calender date with specific time

Last Restock timestamp

(8 Nov 2024 8.00 am)


Select entry from another module in the same workspace

Supplier (supplier module)


Select multiple entry from another module in the same workspace

Related Items (related item module)


Input location with place name on map

Storage Location (Malaysia)


Upload single picture with format jpg, jpeg, png, bmp and gif

Product Image


Upload multiple pictures with format jpg, jpeg, png, bmp and gif

Product Image (s)


Upload single file

Product Manual


Upload multiple files

Product Manual (s)


Adding customise table contains defined fields (columns) and rows.

Maintenance Logs (repairs, check ups, components)


Select entry from profile (module) within same workspace

Inventory Manager (manager profile)


Select multiple entries from profile (module) within same workspace

Warehouse staffs

(staff profile)


Input formatted text with styles

Safety warning ( Red colour, Bold text)


Input email address with correct format

Suppliers contact email

Phone Number

Input phone number with country and area code

Suppliers contact number


Dropdown selection with predefined options of User-Defined or Reference(select reference module)

Item Category ( select one option only )


Dropdown selections with predefined options of User-Defined ( multiple selection)

Item Category ( multiple selection allowed )


Digital signatures

Approval digital signature


Input URLs or links to external resources.

Product URL

Information type with * is BETA function.

Default Information

Some default information fields are auto-generated In Inistate

Default Information


A unique identifier assigned to each new entry

Document ID

A unique document ID combination of prefix and serial number. e.g. INV00245.


A unique title or subject for an entry

Created By

Show users who created an entry

Created Date

Date and time when an entry is created

Last Change By

Show users who did the last changed of an entry

Last Change Date

Date and time of an entry last changed


Serial of an entry


Progress of an entry

Comment Count

Total comment of an entry


Assignees of an entry


Due date of an entry

All the Default Information are auto generated.

Ways to input data

  1. Manual Data Entry: Users can directly input data into fields within the platform, which is straightforward for small data sets.

  2. Data Import: For larger datasets, Inistate supports importing from Excel files and other compatible sources. The import tool allows users to map fields from their file to corresponding fields in Inistate, ensuring data aligns correctly with their workflow modules​.

Best practice

Best practice to setup Information

  • Identify Data Needs: Understand the specific information requirements for each process or workflow. Identify what data is essential and how it use.

  • Appropriate Data Types: Select appropriate Information types to improve data integrity.

  • Clarify: Ensure the information name is clear and add short descriptions to make fields easily understandable.

Last updated