To find {fieldName}
, you are required to have access to Alpha or use Network in Developer Tools [F12]
import clr
from System.Text import *
from Newtonsoft.Json import *
from Newtonsoft.Json.Linq import *
from System import *
from System.Drawing import Bitmap, Image
from System.Drawing.Imaging import ImageFormat
from System.IO import MemoryStream, StreamWriter
from System.Net import WebClient
import binascii
from System import BitConverter
# search
documentList = Module("{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}").findAll(
"Audit.UpdatedDate": {"$gt": Inputs["lastSync"]},
"Audit.UpdatedBy": {"$ne": "External"},
"Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}": {"$ne": None},
debug("documentList", documentList)
resultList = []
# ,
def image_to_hex(image_url):
web_client = WebClient()
image_data = web_client.DownloadData(image_url)
with MemoryStream(image_data) as image_stream:
bitmap = Bitmap(image_stream)
# Resize the image
original_width = bitmap.Width
original_height = bitmap.Height
max_width = 240.0
max_height = 240.0
# Calculate new dimensions preserving the aspect ratio
ratio = min(max_width / original_width, max_height / original_height)
new_width = int(original_width * ratio)
new_height = int(original_height * ratio)
debug("new_width", new_width)
resized_bitmap = bitmap.GetThumbnailImage(
new_width, new_height, None, IntPtr.Zero
# Convert the image to PNG (or other supported formats)
png_stream = MemoryStream()
# resized_bitmap.Save(png_stream, ImageFormat.Png)
png_bytes = png_stream.ToArray()
# Convert PNG byte array to hexadecimal string
png_hex = "".join("{:02x}".format(b) for b in png_bytes)
# Create RTF content with the embedded PNG image
rtf = []
r"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}"
# image start
stream = MemoryStream()
resized_bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp) # Save as BMP
stream.Position = 0 # Reset stream position
# Read bytes and convert to hex
img_bytes = stream.ToArray()
# debug('img_bytes', img_bytes)
# debug('here', 'here1')
# hex_string = binascii.hexlify(img_bytes).decode('ascii')
hex_string = BitConverter.ToString(img_bytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
# Write the RTF content to a file
return hex_string
def prepareRow(x):
row = JObject()
row["itemCode"] = x["{YOUR-ITEM-CODE}"]
row["description"] = x["{YOUR-DESCRIPTION}"].ToString()
row["location"] = x["{YOUR-LOCATION}"]
row["uom"] = x["{YOUR-UOM}"]
row["qty"] = x["{YOUR-QTY}"]
row["unitPrice"] = x["{YOUR-UNIT-PRICE}"]
return row
def preparePayload(data):
payloadData = JObject()
payloadData["type"] = "CashSale"
payloadData["payload"] = JObject()
payloadData["payload"]["debtorCode"] = data["{YOUR-DEBTOR-CODE}"]
# payloadData["payload"]["docNo"] = None if data['Running Number'] == "" or data['Running Number'] is None else data['Running Number']
payloadData["payload"]["docNo"] = data.DocumentId
payloadData["payload"]["docDate"] = data["{YOUR-DOC-DATE}"]
payloadData["payload"]["salesLocation"] = data["{YOUR-SALES-LOCATION}"]
payloadData["payload"]["displayTerm"] = "C.O.D."
payloadData["payload"]["description"] = "CASH SALE"
payloadData["payload"]["Remark1"] = data["{YOUR-REMARK1}"]
payloadData["payload"]["details"] = JArray.FromObject(
data["{YOUR-TABLE}"].Select(lambda x: prepareRow(x))
payloadData["LastModified"] = data.UpdatedDate
return payloadData
# end of added
for entry in documentList:
payloadData = preparePayload(entry)
if (
payloadData["payload"]["debtorCode"] != None
and payloadData["payload"]["debtorCode"] != ""
# debug('payloadData', payloadData)
# debug('done', resultList)
outputs["results"] = JArray.FromObject(resultList)
debug("result", resultList)
moduleName = "{YOUR_MODULE_NAME}"
if inputs is not None and inputs['document'] is not None and inputs['document']['payload'] is not None:
doc = Module(moduleName).find({ 'Document.DocumentId': inputs['document']['payload']['docNo'] })
if doc is not None:
form = Module(moduleName).execute('sync', doc)
form['Error'] = True
form['Error Message'] = inputs['error']
Module(moduleName).submit(doc, form)
"Logic": [
"name": "{NAME}",
"enabled": false,
"server": {
"server": "{SERVER}",
"database": "{DATABASE}",
"dbUsername": "{DB_USERNAME}",
"dbPassword": "{DB_PASSWORD}",
"user": "{USERNAME}",
"password": "{PASSWORD}"
"debug": false,
"hook": "{MODULE-ID}-{LOGIC-NAME}",
"errorHook": "{MODULE-ID}-{LOGIC-NAME}",
"lastSync": "{LAST_SYNC_DATE_TIME}"