#debug('test', inputs)
moduleName = '{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}'
inistateKeyField = 'DocumentId'
keyField = 'Doc'
modifiedDateField = 'LastModified'
fields = [['DocumentId', 'Doc'],['LastModified', 'LastModified']]
inistateFields = []
tableField = 'Items'
tableColumns = ['Seq','ItemCode','Description','Desc2','DeliveryDate','Location','UOM','Qty','UnitPrice','Discount','CNAmt','SubTotal','SubTotalExTax','DtlTax','FromDocNo','UDF_Desc2']
def getFlatten(list, table):
details = [dict(Line=y, Document=x) for x in list for y in x[table]]
return details
def createLine(x):
item = JObject()
main = JObject.FromObject(x[0])
for field in main:
if not tableColumns.Contains(field.Name):
item[field.Name] = main[field.Name]
item['items'] = JArray()
for itemRow in x:
rowJSON = JObject()
for field in tableColumns:
rowJSON[field] = itemRow[field]
return item
def productAddToSync(product):
if product is not None:
form = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').execute('Set To Sync', product)
form['To Sync'] = True
Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').submit(product, 'Set To Sync', form)
result = list(inputs["list"]).GroupBy(lambda x: x[keyField].ToString()).Select(lambda x: createLine(x)).ToList()
for item in result:
entry = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').find({ 'Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}': item['Doc'] })
# debug('valid', entry['SyncDateTime'])
# debug('valid time', item['LastModified'])
form = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').execute('sync', entry)
form['{YOUR-CREDITOR}'] = item['CreditorCode']
form['{YOUR-NAME}'] = item['CreditorName']
form['{YOUR-G/R NO}'] = item['Doc']
form['{YOUR-ADDRESS1}'] = item['InvAddr1']
form['{YOUR-ADDRESS2}'] = item['InvAddr2']
form['{YOUR-ADDRESS3}'] = item['InvAddr3']
form['{YOUR-ADDRESS4}'] = item['InvAddr4']
form['{YOUR-SUPPLIER D/O NO}'] = item['SupplierDONo']
form['{YOUR-DATE}'] = item['DocDate']
form['{YOUR-BRANCH}'] = item['BranchCode']
form['{YOUR-CREDIT TERM}'] = item['DisplayTerm']
form['{YOUR-PURCHASE LOCATION}'] = item['PurchaseLocation']
form['{YOUR-PURCHASE AGENT}'] = item['PurchaseAgent']
form['{YOUR-SHIP VIA}'] = item['ShipVia']
form['{YOUR-SHIP INFO}'] = item['ShipInfo']
form['{YOUR-SUBTOTAL (EX)}'] = item['TotalExTax']
form['{YOUR-INCLUSIVE?}'] = True if item['InclusiveTax'] != "F" else False
form['{YOUR-TAXABLE AMOUNT}'] = item['TaxableAmt']
form['{YOUR-TAX}'] = item['Tax']
form['{YOUR-CURRENCY}'] = item['CurrencyCode']
form['{YOUR-RATE}'] = item['CurrencyRate']
form['{YOUR-LOCAL TOTAL}'] = item['LocalNetTotal']
form['{YOUR-TOTAL}'] = item['NetTotal']
debug('Tax', item)
# handle table
lines = list(item['items']).ToList().OrderBy(lambda x: Convert.ToInt32(x['Seq'])).ToList()
while len(form['{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}']) > len(lines) :
last = form['{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}'].Last()
productAddToSync(last['Item Code'])
formLine = form.remove('{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}',last)
for line in lines:
# create if none
if len(form['{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}']) <= lines.IndexOf(line):
formLine = form.add('{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}')
else :
formLine = form['{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}'][lines.IndexOf(line)]
# assign value to table row
product = Module('Product').find({ 'Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}': str(line['ItemCode']) })
if product is not None:
if formLine['{YOUR-ITEM CODE}'].Id > 0 and formLine['{YOUR-ITEM CODE}'] != str(line['ItemCode']) and entry is not None :
productAddToSync(formLine['{YOUR-ITEM CODE}'])
formLine['{YOUR-ITEM CODE}'] = product
formLine['{YOUR-DESCRIPTION}'] = line['Description']
formLine['{YOUR-DESCRIPTION 2}'] = line['Desc2']
formLine['{YOUR-DELIVERY DATE}'] = line['DeliveryDate']
formLine['{YOUR-LOCATION}'] = line['Location']
formLine['{YOUR-UOM}'] = line['UOM']
formLine['{YOUR-QTY}'] = line['Qty']
formLine['{YOUR-UNIT PRICE}'] = line['UnitPrice']
formLine['{YOUR-DISCOUNT}'] = line['Discount']
formLine['{YOUR-C/N AMT.}'] = line['CNAmt']
formLine['{YOUR-SUBTOTAL}'] = line['SubTotal']
formLine['{YOUR-TAX}'] = line['DtlTax']
formLine['{YOUR-TOTAL (EX)}'] = line['SubTotalExTax']
formLine['{YOUR-TOTAL (INC)}'] = Convert.ToInt32(line['SubTotalExTax'] if line['SubTotalExTax'] != None else 0) + Convert.ToInt32(line['DtlTax'] if line['DtlTax'] != None else 0) #no field in Autocount record total include tax, need add 2 value
formLine['{YOUR-FROM DOC. NO.}'] = line['FromDocNo']
formLine['{YOUR-DESC2}'] = line['UDF_Desc2']
# debug('form', form)
Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').submit(entry, form)
after = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').find({ 'Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}': item['Doc'] })
if after is not None:
#Get Distinct PO number in GRN
withPO = filter(lambda x: ('PO' in x['From Doc. No.']), after['{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}'])
sortByPO = sorted(withPO, key=lambda x: x['From Doc. No.'])
groupByPO = [dict(Key=ckey, List=list(cgroup)) for ckey, cgroup in groupby(sortByPO, lambda x: x['From Doc. No.'])]
for po in groupByPO:
#Get All Good Receive realated to the PO
grn = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').findAll({'Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}': po['Key']})
items = getFlatten(grn, '{YOUR-GOODS INFORMATION}')
sortByItem = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x['Line']['Item Code'])
groupByItem = [dict(Key=ckey, List=list(cgroup)) for ckey, cgroup in groupby(sortByItem, lambda x: {"Item Code" : x['Line']['Item Code'], "PONumber" : x['Line']['From Doc. No.'] })]
# debug('po', po['Key'])
p = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').find({'$and': [{'Dynamic.Extension.{fieldName}': po['Key']}]} )
if p is not None:
form2 = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').execute('Receive', p)
u = 0
sortPOItem = sorted(form2['Main'], key=lambda x: x['Item Code'])
groupPOItem = [dict(Key=ckey, List=list(cgroup)) for ckey, cgroup in groupby(sortPOItem, lambda x: x['Item Code'])]
for r in groupPOItem:
goodReceives = next((x for x in groupByItem if x['Key']['Item Code'] == r['Key'] and x['Key']['PONumber'] == po['Key']), None)
if goodReceives is not None:
totalReceived = sum(x['Line']['Qty'] for x in goodReceives['List'])
if totalReceived != sum(x['Received'] for x in r['List']):
qty = totalReceived
for l in r['List']:
if qty > 0:
if qty >= l['Qty']:
l['Received'] = l['Qty']
qty = qty - l['Qty']
l['Received'] = qty
qty = 0
u = 1
for l in r['List']:
l['Received'] = 0
u = 1
if u == 1:
result2 = Module('{YOUR-MODULE-NAME}').submit(p, 'Receive', form2)
# debug('result2', result2)
debug('Impacted PO', po['Key'])
debug('result', result)